Source code for mode.utils.text

"""Text and string manipulation utilities."""
from difflib import SequenceMatcher
from typing import AnyStr, Iterable, Iterator, NamedTuple, Optional, cast

__all__ = [

[docs]class FuzzyMatch(NamedTuple): """Fuzzy match resut.""" ratio: float value: str
[docs]def title(s: str) -> str: """Capitalize sentence. ``"foo bar" -> "Foo Bar"`` ``"foo-bar" -> "Foo Bar"`` """ return ' '.join( p.capitalize() for p in s.replace('-', ' ') .replace('_', ' ').split())
[docs]def didyoumean(haystack: Iterable[str], needle: str, *, fmt_many: str = 'Did you mean one of {alt}?', fmt_one: str = 'Did you mean {alt}?', fmt_none: str = '', min_ratio: float = 0.6) -> str: """Generate message with helpful list of alternatives. Examples: >>> raise Exception(f'Unknown mode: {mode}! {didyoumean(modes, mode)}') >>> didyoumean(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], 'boo') 'Did you mean foo?' >>> didyoumean(['foo', 'moo', 'bar'], 'boo') 'Did you mean one of foo, moo?' >>> didyoumean(['foo', 'moo', 'bar'], 'xxx') '' Arguments: haystack: List of all available choices. needle: What the user provided. fmt_many: String format returned when there are more than one alternative. Default is: ``"Did you mean one of {alt}?"``. fmt_one: String format returned when there's a single fuzzy match. Default is: ``"Did you mean {alt}?"``. fmt_none: String format returned when there are no fuzzy matches. Default is: ``""`` (empty string, error message is usually printed before the alternatives so user has context). min_ratio: Minimum fuzzy ratio before word is considered a match. Default is 0.6. """ return fuzzymatch_choices( list(haystack), needle, fmt_many=fmt_many, fmt_one=fmt_one, fmt_none=fmt_none, min_ratio=min_ratio, )
[docs]def fuzzymatch_choices(haystack: Iterable[str], needle: str, *, fmt_many: str = 'one of {alt}', fmt_one: str = '{alt}', fmt_none: str = '', min_ratio: float = 0.6) -> str: """Fuzzy match reducing to error message suggesting an alternative.""" alt = list(fuzzymatch(haystack, needle, min_ratio=min_ratio)) if not alt: return fmt_none return (fmt_many if len(alt) > 1 else fmt_one).format( alt=', '.join(alt), )
def fuzzymatch(haystack: Iterable[str], needle: str, *, min_ratio: float = 0.6) -> Iterator[str]: for match in fuzzymatch_iter(haystack, needle, min_ratio=min_ratio): yield match.value
[docs]def fuzzymatch_iter(haystack: Iterable[str], needle: str, *, min_ratio: float = 0.6) -> Iterator[FuzzyMatch]: """Fuzzy Match: Including actual ratio. Yields: FuzzyMatch: tuples of ``(ratio, value)``. """ for key in iter(haystack): ratio = SequenceMatcher(None, needle, key).ratio() if ratio >= min_ratio: yield FuzzyMatch(ratio, key)
[docs]def fuzzymatch_best(haystack: Iterable[str], needle: str, *, min_ratio: float = 0.6) -> Optional[str]: """Fuzzy Match - Return best match only (single scalar value).""" try: return sorted( fuzzymatch_iter( haystack, needle, min_ratio=min_ratio), reverse=True, )[0].value except IndexError: return None
[docs]def abbr(s: str, max: int, suffix: str = '...', words: bool = False) -> str: """Abbreviate word.""" if words: return _abbr_word_boundary(s, max, suffix) return _abbr_abrupt(s, max, suffix)
def _abbr_word_boundary(s: str, max: int, suffix: str) -> str: # Do not cut-off any words, but means the limit is even harder # and we won't include any partial words. if len(s) > max: return suffix and (s[:max - len(suffix)] + suffix) or s[:max] return s def _abbr_abrupt(s: str, max: int, suffix: str = '...') -> str: # hard limit (can cut off in the middle of a word). if max and len(s) >= max: return s[:max].rsplit(' ', 1)[0] + suffix return s
[docs]def abbr_fqdn(origin: str, name: str, *, prefix: str = '') -> str: """Abbreviate fully-qualified Python name, by removing origin. ``app.origin`` is the package where the app is defined, so if this is ``examples.simple``:: >>> app.origin 'examples.simple' >>> abbr_fqdn(app.origin, 'examples.simple.Withdrawal', prefix='[...]') '[...]Withdrawal' >>> abbr_fqdn(app.origin, 'examples.other.Foo', prefix='[...]') '' :func:`shorten_fqdn` is similar, but will always shorten a too long name, abbr_fqdn will only remove the origin portion of the name. """ if name.startswith(origin): name = name[len(origin) + 1:] return f'{prefix}{name}' return name
[docs]def shorten_fqdn(s: str, max: int = 32) -> str: """Shorten fully-qualified Python name (like "os.path.isdir").""" if len(s) > max: module, _, cls = s.rpartition('.') module = abbr(module, max - len(cls) - 3, None, words=True) return module + '[.]' + cls return s
[docs]def pluralize(n: int, text: str, suffix: str = 's') -> str: """Pluralize term when n is greater than one.""" if n != 1: return text + suffix return text
[docs]def maybecat(s: Optional[AnyStr], suffix: str = '', *, prefix: str = '') -> AnyStr: """Concatenate string only if existing string s' is defined. Keyword Arguments: suffix: add suffix if string s' is defined. prefix: add prefix is string s' is defined. """ if s is not None: return prefix + cast(AnyStr, s) + suffix return s