Source code for mode.utils.imports

"""Importing utilities."""
import importlib
import os
import sys
import warnings
from contextlib import contextmanager, suppress
from types import ModuleType
from typing import (

from .collections import FastUserDict
from .objects import cached_property
from .text import didyoumean

    from yarl import URL
except ImportError:
    class URL:

        def __init__(self, url: str) -> None:
            assert '://' in url
            self.scheme = url.split('://')[0]

# - these are taken from kombu.utils.imports

__all__ = [

_T = TypeVar('_T')
_T_contra = TypeVar('_T_contra', contravariant=True)
SymbolArg = Union[_T, str]

[docs]class FactoryMapping(FastUserDict, Generic[_T]): """Class plugin system. This is an utility to maintain a mapping from name to fully qualified Python attribute path, and also supporting the use of these in URLs. Example: >>> # Specifying the type enables mypy to know that >>> # this factory returns Driver subclasses. >>> drivers: FactoryMapping[Type[Driver]] >>> drivers = FactoryMapping({ ... 'rabbitmq': 'my.drivers.rabbitmq:Driver', ... 'kafka': 'my.drivers.kafka:Driver', ... 'redis': 'my.drivers.redis:Driver', ... }) >>> drivers.by_url('rabbitmq://localhost:9090') <class 'my.drivers.rabbitmq.Driver'> >>> drivers.by_name('redis') <class 'my.drivers.redis.Driver'> """ aliases: MutableMapping[str, str] namespaces: Set _finalized: bool = False def __init__(self, *args: Mapping, **kwargs: str) -> None: self.aliases = dict(*args, **kwargs) # type: ignore self.namespaces = set()
[docs] def iterate(self) -> Iterator[_T]: self._maybe_finalize() for name in self.aliases: yield self.by_name(name)
[docs] def by_url(self, url: Union[str, URL]) -> _T: """Get class associated with URL (scheme is used as alias key).""" # we remove anything after ; so urlparse can recognize the url. return self.by_name(URL(url).scheme)
[docs] def by_name(self, name: SymbolArg[_T_contra]) -> _T: self._maybe_finalize() try: return symbol_by_name(name, aliases=self.aliases) except ModuleNotFoundError as exc: name_ = cast(str, name) if '.' in name_: raise alt = didyoumean( self.aliases, name_, fmt_none=f'Available choices: {", ".join(self.aliases)}') raise ModuleNotFoundError( f'{name!r} is not a valid name. {alt}') from exc
[docs] def get_alias(self, name: str) -> str: self._maybe_finalize() return self.aliases[name]
[docs] def include_setuptools_namespace(self, namespace: str) -> None: self.namespaces.add(namespace)
def _maybe_finalize(self) -> None: if not self._finalized: self._finalized = True self._finalize() def _finalize(self) -> None: for namespace in self.namespaces: self.aliases.update({ name: cls_name for name, cls_name in load_extension_class_names(namespace) })
[docs] @cached_property def data(self) -> MutableMapping: # type: ignore return self.aliases
def _ensure_identifier(path: str, full: str) -> None: for part in path.split('.'): if not part.isidentifier(): raise ValueError( f'Component {part!r} of {full!r} is not a valid identifier')
[docs]def symbol_by_name( name: SymbolArg, aliases: Mapping[str, str] = None, imp: Any = None, package: str = None, sep: str = '.', default: Any = None, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """Get symbol by qualified name. The name should be the full dot-separated path to the class:: modulename.ClassName Example:: mazecache.backends.redis.RedisBackend ^- class name or using ':' to separate module and symbol:: mazecache.backends.redis:RedisBackend If `aliases` is provided, a dict containing short name/long name mappings, the name is looked up in the aliases first. Examples: >>> symbol_by_name('mazecache.backends.redis:RedisBackend') <class 'mazecache.backends.redis.RedisBackend'> >>> symbol_by_name('default', { ... 'default': 'mazecache.backends.redis:RedisBackend'}) <class 'mazecache.backends.redis.RedisBackend'> # Does not try to look up non-string names. >>> from mazecache.backends.redis import RedisBackend >>> symbol_by_name(RedisBackend) is RedisBackend True """ # This code was copied from kombu.utils.symbol_by_name imp = importlib.import_module if imp is None else imp if not isinstance(name, str): return name # already a class name = (aliases or {}).get(name) or name sep = ':' if ':' in name else sep module_name, _, attr = name.rpartition(sep) if not module_name: attr, module_name = None, package if package else attr if attr: _ensure_identifier(attr, full=name) if module_name: _ensure_identifier(module_name, full=name) try: try: module = imp(module_name, package=package, **kwargs) except ValueError as exc: raise ValueError( f'Cannot import {name!r}: {exc}', ).with_traceback(sys.exc_info()[2]) return getattr(module, attr) if attr else module except (ImportError, AttributeError): if default is None: raise return default
class EntrypointExtension(NamedTuple): name: str type: Type class RawEntrypointExtension(NamedTuple): name: str target: str
[docs]def load_extension_classes(namespace: str) -> Iterable[EntrypointExtension]: """Yield extension classes for setuptools entrypoint namespace. If an entrypoint is defined in ````:: entry_points={ 'faust.codecs': [ 'msgpack = faust_msgpack:msgpack', ], Iterating over the 'faust.codecs' namespace will yield the actual attributes specified in the path (``faust_msgpack:msgpack``):: >>> from faust_msgpack import msgpack >>> attrs = list(load_extension_classes('faust.codecs')) assert msgpack in attrs """ for name, cls_name in load_extension_class_names(namespace): try: cls = symbol_by_name(cls_name) except (ImportError, SyntaxError) as exc: warnings.warn( f'Cannot load {namespace} extension {cls_name!r}: {exc!r}') else: yield EntrypointExtension(name, cls)
[docs]def load_extension_class_names( namespace: str) -> Iterable[RawEntrypointExtension]: """Get setuptools entrypoint extension class names. If the entrypoint is defined in ```` as:: entry_points={ 'faust.codecs': [ 'msgpack = faust_msgpack:msgpack', ], Iterating over the 'faust.codecs' namespace will yield the name:: >>> list(load_extension_class_names('faust.codecs')) [('msgpack', 'faust_msgpack:msgpack')] """ try: from pkg_resources import iter_entry_points except ImportError: return for ep in iter_entry_points(namespace): yield RawEntrypointExtension(, ':'.join([ep.module_name, ep.attrs[0]]), )
[docs]@contextmanager def cwd_in_path() -> Generator: """Context adding the current working directory to sys.path.""" cwd = os.getcwd() if cwd in sys.path: yield else: sys.path.insert(0, cwd) try: yield cwd finally: with suppress(ValueError): sys.path.remove(cwd)
[docs]def import_from_cwd(module: str, *, imp: Callable = None, package: str = None) -> ModuleType: """Import module, temporarily including modules in the current directory. Modules located in the current directory has precedence over modules located in `sys.path`. """ if imp is None: imp = importlib.import_module with cwd_in_path(): return imp(module, package=package)
[docs]def smart_import(path: str, imp: Any = None) -> Any: """Import module if module, otherwise same as :func:`symbol_by_name`.""" imp = importlib.import_module if imp is None else imp if ':' in path: # Path includes attribute so can just jump # here (e.g., ``os.path:abspath``). return symbol_by_name(path, imp=imp) # Not sure if path is just a module name or if it includes an # attribute name (e.g., ``os.path``, vs, ``os.path.abspath``). try: return imp(path) except ImportError: # Not a module name, so try module + attribute. return symbol_by_name(path, imp=imp)