Source code for

"""Async I/O services that can be started/stopped/shutdown."""
import asyncio
import logging
import sys
from functools import wraps
from time import monotonic
from types import TracebackType
from typing import (

from .timers import timer_intervals
from .types import DiagT, ServiceT
from .utils.contexts import AsyncExitStack, ExitStack
from .utils.locks import Event
from .utils.logging import CompositeLogger, get_logger, level_number
from .utils.objects import iter_mro_reversed, qualname
from .utils.text import maybecat
from .utils.times import Seconds, want_seconds
from .utils.trees import Node
from .utils.typing import AsyncContextManager
from .utils.types.trees import NodeT

__all__ = [

#: Future type: Different types of awaitables.
FutureT = Union[asyncio.Future, Generator[Any, None, Any], Awaitable]

#: Argument type for ``Service.wait(*events)``
#: Wait can take any number of futures or events to wait for.
WaitArgT = Union[FutureT, asyncio.Event, Event]

EVENT_TYPES = (asyncio.Event, Event)

class WaitResults(NamedTuple):
    done: List[WaitArgT]
    results: List[Any]
    stopped: bool

class WaitResult(NamedTuple):
    """Return value of :meth:`Service.wait`."""

    #: Return value of the future we were waiting for.
    result: Any

    #: Set to :const:`True` if the service was stopped while waiting.
    stopped: bool

[docs]class ServiceBase(ServiceT): """Base class for services.""" # This class implements stuff common to Service + ServiceProxy #: Set to True if this service class is abstract-only, #: meaning it will only be used as a base class. abstract: ClassVar[bool] = True log: CompositeLogger #: Logger used by this service. #: If not explicitly set this will be based on get_logger(cls.__name__) logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None def __init_subclass__(self) -> None: if self.abstract: self.abstract = False self._init_subclass_logger() @classmethod def _init_subclass_logger(cls) -> None: # make sure class has a logger. if cls.logger is None or getattr(cls.logger, '__modex__', False): cls.logger = get_logger(cls.__module__) cls.logger.__modex__ = True # type: ignore def __init__(self, *, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop = None) -> None: self.log = CompositeLogger(self.logger, formatter=self._format_log) self._loop = loop def _format_log(self, severity: int, msg: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> str: return f'[^{"-" * (self.beacon.depth - 1)}{self.shortlabel}]: {msg}' async def __aenter__(self) -> ServiceT: await self.start() return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type: Type[BaseException] = None, exc_val: BaseException = None, exc_tb: TracebackType = None) -> Optional[bool]: try: await self.stop() finally: self.service_reset() return None def __repr__(self) -> str: # Override _repr_info to add additional text to repr. info = maybecat(self._repr_info(), prefix=' ') or '' return f'<{self._repr_name()}: {self.state}{info}>' def _repr_info(self) -> str: return '' def _repr_name(self) -> str: return type(self).__name__ @property def loop(self) -> asyncio.AbstractEventLoop: if self._loop is None: self._loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() return self._loop @loop.setter def loop(self, loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop]) -> None: self._loop = loop
[docs]class Diag(DiagT): """Service diagnostics. This can be used to track what your service is doing. For example if your service is a Kafka consumer with a background thread that commits the offset every 30 seconds, you may want to see when this happens:: DIAG_COMMITTING = 'committing' class Consumer(Service): @Service.task async def _background_commit(self) -> None: while not self.should_stop: await self.sleep(30.0) self.diag.set_flag(DIAG_COMITTING) try: await self._consumer.commit() finally: self.diag.unset_flag(DIAG_COMMITTING) The above code is setting the flag manually, but you can also use a decorator to accomplish the same thing:: @Service.timer(30.0) async def _background_commit(self) -> None: await self.commit() @Service.transitions_with(DIAG_COMITTING) async def commit(self) -> None: await self._consumer.commit() """ def __init__(self, service: ServiceT) -> None: self.service = service self.flags = set() self.last_transition = {}
[docs] def set_flag(self, flag: str) -> None: self.flags.add(flag) self.last_transition[flag] = monotonic()
[docs] def unset_flag(self, flag: str) -> None: self.flags.discard(flag)
class ServiceTask: """A background task. You don't have to use this class directly, instead use the ``@Service.task`` decorator:: class MyService(Service): @Service.task def _background_task(self): while not self.should_stop: print('Hello') await self.sleep(1.0) """ def __init__(self, fun: Callable[..., Awaitable]) -> None: Callable[..., Awaitable] = fun async def __call__(self, obj: Any) -> Any: return await def __repr__(self) -> str: return repr( class ServiceCallbacks: """Service callback interface. When calling ``await service.start()`` this happens: .. sourcecode:: text +--------------------+ | INIT (not started) | +--------------------+ V .-----------------------. / await service.start() | `-----------------------' V +--------------------+ | on_first_start | +--------------------+ V +--------------------+ | on_start | +--------------------+ V +--------------------+ | on_started | +--------------------+ When stopping and ``wait_for_shutdown`` is unset, this happens: .. sourcecode:: text .-----------------------. / await service.stop() | `-----------------------' V +--------------------+ | on_stop | +--------------------+ V +--------------------+ | on_shutdown | +--------------------+ When stopping and ``wait_for_shutdown`` is set, the stop operation will wait for something to set the shutdown flag ``self.set_shutdown()``: .. sourcecode:: text .-----------------------. / await service.stop() | `-----------------------' V +--------------------+ | on_stop | +--------------------+ V .-------------------------. / service.set_shutdown() | `-------------------------' V +--------------------+ | on_shutdown | +--------------------+ When restarting the order is as follows (assuming ``wait_for_shutdown`` unset): .. sourcecode:: text .-------------------------. / await service.restart() | `-------------------------' V +--------------------+ | on_stop | +--------------------+ V +--------------------+ | on_shutdown | +--------------------+ V +--------------------+ | on_restart | +--------------------+ V +--------------------+ | on_start | +--------------------+ V +--------------------+ | on_started | +--------------------+ """ async def on_first_start(self) -> None: """Service started for the first time in this process.""" ... async def on_start(self) -> None: """Service is starting.""" ... async def on_started(self) -> None: """Service has started.""" ... async def on_stop(self) -> None: """Service is being stopped/restarted.""" ... async def on_shutdown(self) -> None: """Service is being stopped/restarted.""" ... async def on_restart(self) -> None: """Service is being restarted.""" ...
[docs]class Service(ServiceBase, ServiceCallbacks): """An asyncio service that can be started/stopped/restarted. Keyword Arguments: beacon (NodeT): Beacon used to track services in a graph. loop (asyncio.AbstractEventLoop): Event loop object. """ abstract: ClassVar[bool] = True Diag: Type[DiagT] = Diag #: Set to True if .stop must wait for the shutdown flag to be set. wait_for_shutdown = False #: Time to wait for shutdown flag set before we give up. shutdown_timeout = 60.0 #: Current number of times this service instance has been restarted. restart_count = 0 #: The log level for mundane info such as `starting`, `stopping`, etc. #: Set this to ``"debug"`` for less information. mundane_level = 'info' _mundane_level: int #: Event set when service started. _started: Event #: Event set when service stopped. _stopped: Event #: Event set by user to signal service can be shutdown #: (see :attr:`wait_for_shutdown) _shutdown: Event #: Event set when service crashed. _crashed: Event #: The reason for last crash (an exception instance). _crash_reason: Optional[BaseException] #: The beacon is used to maintain a graph of services. _beacon: NodeT #: .add_dependency and friends adds services to this list, #: that are started/stopped/restarted with the service. _children: MutableSequence[ServiceT] #: .add_future adds futures to this list, and when stopping #: we will wait for them a bit, then cancel them. #: Note: Unlike ``add_dependency`` these futures will not be # restarted with the service: if you want that to happen make sure # calling service.start() again will add the future again. _futures: Set[asyncio.Future] #: The ``@Service.task`` decorator adds names of attributes #: that are ServiceTasks to this list (which is a class variable). _tasks: ClassVar[Optional[Dict[str, Set[str]]]] = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_awaitable(cls, coro: Awaitable, *, name: str = None, **kwargs: Any) -> ServiceT: return _AwaitableService(coro, name=name)
[docs] @classmethod def task(cls, fun: Callable[[Any], Awaitable[None]]) -> ServiceTask: """Decorate function to be used as background task. Example: >>> class S(Service): ... ... @Service.task ... async def background_task(self): ... while not self.should_stop: ... await self.sleep(1.0) ... print('Waking up') """ return ServiceTask(fun)
[docs] @classmethod def timer(cls, interval: Seconds) -> Callable[ [Callable[[ServiceT], Awaitable[None]]], ServiceTask]: """Background timer executing every ``n`` seconds. Example: >>> class S(Service): ... ... @Service.timer(1.0) ... async def background_timer(self): ... print('Waking up') """ _interval = want_seconds(interval) def _decorate( fun: Callable[[ServiceT], Awaitable[None]]) -> ServiceTask: @wraps(fun) async def _repeater(self: Service) -> None: await self.sleep(_interval) for sleep_time in timer_intervals( _interval, name=qualname(fun)): if self.should_stop: break await fun(self) if self.should_stop: break await self.sleep(sleep_time) if self.should_stop: break return cls.task(_repeater) return _decorate
[docs] @classmethod def transitions_to(cls, flag: str) -> Callable: """Decorate function to set and reset diagnostic flag.""" def _decorate( fun: Callable[..., Awaitable]) -> Callable[..., Awaitable]: @wraps(fun) async def _and_transition(self: ServiceT, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: self.diag.set_flag(flag) try: return await fun(self, *args, **kwargs) finally: self.diag.unset_flag(flag) return _and_transition return _decorate
def __init_subclass__(self) -> None: # Every new subclass adds @Service.task decorated methods # to the class-local `_tasks` list. if self.abstract: self.abstract = False self._init_subclass_logger() self._init_subclass_tasks() @classmethod def _init_subclass_tasks(cls) -> None: # XXX Python 3.6.3 introduces mysterious bug # where the storage for subclasses is always the same, # so when we set cls._tasks = [], it will actually clear the # tasks for all subclasses. Hacked around this situation # by making _tasks a mapping from classid -> list of tasks, # that way all subclasses can share the same attribute. clsid = cls._get_class_id() if cls._tasks is None: cls._tasks = {} tasks: Set[str] = set() for base in iter_mro_reversed(cls, stop=Service): tasks |= { attr_name for attr_name, attr_value in vars(base).items() if isinstance(attr_value, ServiceTask) } cls._tasks[clsid] = tasks def _get_tasks(self) -> Iterable[ServiceTask]: seen: Set[ServiceTask] = set() cls = type(self) if cls._tasks: for attr_name in cls._tasks[cls._get_class_id()]: task = getattr(self, attr_name) assert isinstance(task, ServiceTask) assert task not in seen seen.add(task) yield task @classmethod def _get_class_id(cls) -> str: return '.'.join([cls.__module__, cls.__qualname__]) def __init__(self, *, beacon: NodeT = None, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop = None) -> None: self.diag = self.Diag(self) self._loop = loop self._started = self._new_started_event() self._stopped = self._new_stopped_event() self._shutdown = self._new_shutdown_event() self._crashed = self._new_crashed_event() self._crash_reason = None self._beacon = Node(self) if beacon is None else self._children = [] self._futures = set() self._mundane_level = level_number(self.mundane_level) self.async_exit_stack = AsyncExitStack() self.exit_stack = ExitStack() self.on_init() self.__post_init__() super().__init__(loop=self._loop) def _new_started_event(self) -> Event: return Event(loop=self._loop) def _new_stopped_event(self) -> Event: return Event(loop=self._loop) def _new_shutdown_event(self) -> Event: return Event(loop=self._loop) def _new_crashed_event(self) -> Event: return Event(loop=self._loop) async def transition_with(self, flag: str, fut: Awaitable, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: self.diag.set_flag(flag) try: return await fut finally: self.diag.unset_flag(flag)
[docs] def add_dependency(self, service: ServiceT) -> ServiceT: """Add dependency to other service. The service will be started/stopped with this service. """ if service.beacon is not None: service.beacon.reattach(self.beacon) self._children.append(service) return service
async def add_runtime_dependency(self, service: ServiceT) -> ServiceT: self.add_dependency(service) if self._started.is_set(): await service.maybe_start() return service async def add_async_context(self, context: AsyncContextManager) -> Any: if isinstance(context, AsyncContextManager): return await self.async_exit_stack.enter_async_context(context) elif isinstance(context, ContextManager): raise TypeError( 'Use `self.add_context(ctx)` for non-async context') raise TypeError(f'Not a context/async context: {type(context)!r}')
[docs] def add_context(self, context: ContextManager) -> Any: if isinstance(context, AsyncContextManager): raise TypeError( 'Use `await self.add_async_context(ctx)` for async context') elif isinstance(context, ContextManager): return self.exit_stack.enter_context(context) raise TypeError(f'Not a context/async context: {type(context)!r}')
[docs] def add_future(self, coro: Awaitable) -> asyncio.Future: """Add relationship to asyncio.Future. The future will be joined when this service is stopped. """ fut = asyncio.ensure_future(self._execute_task(coro), loop=self.loop) fut.__wrapped__ = coro # type: ignore fut.add_done_callback(self._on_future_done) self._futures.add(fut) return fut
def _on_future_done(self, fut: asyncio.Future) -> None: self._futures.discard(fut) def __post_init__(self) -> None: """Additional user initialization.""" ...
[docs] def on_init(self) -> None: ... # deprecated: use __post_init__
[docs] def on_init_dependencies(self) -> Iterable[ServiceT]: """Return list of service dependencies for this service.""" return []
async def join_services(self, services: Sequence[ServiceT]) -> None: for service in services: try: await service.maybe_start() except BaseException as exc: await self.crash(exc) for service in reversed(services): await service.stop() async def sleep(self, n: Seconds) -> None: """Sleep for ``n`` seconds, or until service stopped.""" try: await asyncio.wait_for( self._stopped.wait(), timeout=want_seconds(n), loop=self.loop) except asyncio.TimeoutError: pass async def wait_for_stopped(self, *coros: WaitArgT, timeout: Seconds = None) -> bool: return (await self.wait(*coros, timeout=timeout)).stopped async def wait(self, *coros: WaitArgT, timeout: Seconds = None) -> WaitResult: """Wait for coroutines to complete, or until the service stops.""" if coros: assert len(coros) == 1 return await self._wait_one(coros[0], timeout=timeout) else: await self._wait_stopped(timeout=timeout) return WaitResult(None, True) async def wait_many(self, coros: Iterable[WaitArgT], *, timeout: Seconds = None) -> WaitResult: coro = asyncio.wait( cast(Iterable[Awaitable[Any]], coros), return_when=asyncio.ALL_COMPLETED, timeout=timeout, loop=self.loop, ) return await self._wait_one(coro, timeout=timeout) async def wait_first(self, *coros: WaitArgT, timeout: Seconds = None) -> WaitResults: _coros: Mapping[WaitArgT, FutureT] timeout = want_seconds(timeout) if timeout is not None else None stopped = self._stopped crashed = self._crashed loop = self.loop # asyncio.wait will also ensure_future, but we need the handle # so we can cancel them (if we don't they will leak). futures = { coro: asyncio.ensure_future( (coro.wait() if isinstance(coro, EVENT_TYPES) else coro), loop=loop, ) for coro in coros } futures[stopped] = asyncio.ensure_future(stopped.wait(), loop=loop) futures[crashed] = asyncio.ensure_future(crashed.wait(), loop=loop) try: done, pending = await asyncio.wait( futures.values(), return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED, timeout=timeout, loop=self.loop, ) for f in done: if f.done() and f.exception() is not None: f.result() # propagate exceptions winners: List[WaitArgT] = [] results: List[Any] = [] for coro, fut in futures.items(): if fut.done(): winners.append(coro) results.append(fut.result()) elif fut.cancelled(): raise asyncio.CancelledError() if winners and not stopped.is_set() and not crashed.is_set(): return WaitResults(winners, results, False) else: return WaitResults([], [], True) finally: # cleanup for fut in futures.values(): if not fut.done(): fut.cancel() async def _wait_one(self, coro: WaitArgT, *, timeout: Seconds = None) -> WaitResult: results = await self.wait_first(coro, timeout=timeout) if results.stopped: return WaitResult(None, True) return WaitResult(results.results[0], False) async def _wait_stopped(self, timeout: Seconds = None) -> None: timeout = want_seconds(timeout) if timeout is not None else None stopped = self._stopped.wait() crashed = self._crashed.wait() done, pending = await asyncio.wait( [stopped, crashed], return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED, timeout=timeout, loop=self.loop, ) for fut in done: fut.result() # propagate exceptions for fut in pending: fut.cancel() assert self._crashed.is_set() or self._stopped.is_set() async def start(self) -> None: await self._default_start() async def _default_start(self) -> None: loop = self.loop assert loop # make sure loop is set assert not self._started.is_set() self._started.set() await self._actually_start() async def _actually_start(self) -> None: """Start the service.""" for _ in [1]: # to use break if not self.restart_count: for dep in self.on_init_dependencies(): self.add_dependency(dep) await self.on_first_start() if self.should_stop: break self.exit_stack.__enter__() await self.async_exit_stack.__aenter__() if self.should_stop: break try: self._log_mundane('Starting...') await self.on_start() if self.should_stop: break for task in self._get_tasks(): self.add_future( for child in self._children: if child is not None: await child.maybe_start() if self.should_stop: break self.log.debug('Started.') await self.on_started() except BaseException: self.exit_stack.__exit__(*sys.exc_info()) await self.async_exit_stack.__aexit__(*sys.exc_info()) raise async def _execute_task(self, task: Awaitable) -> None: try: await task except asyncio.CancelledError: if not self.should_stop: self._log_mundane('Terminating cancelled task: %r', task) except RuntimeError as exc: if 'Event loop is closed' in str(exc):'Cancelled task %r: %s', task, exc) except BaseException as exc: # the exception will be re-raised by the main thread. await self.crash(exc) async def maybe_start(self) -> None: """Start the service, if it has not already been started.""" if not self._started.is_set(): await self.start() def _log_mundane(self, msg: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: self.log.log(self._mundane_level, msg, *args, **kwargs) async def crash(self, reason: BaseException) -> None: """Crash the service and all child services.""" self.log.exception('Crashed reason=%r', reason) if not self._crashed.is_set(): # We record the stack by raising the exception. if self.supervisor: self.supervisor.wakeup() else: # if the service has no supervisor we go ahead # and mark parent nodes as crashed as well. root = self.beacon.root seen: Set[NodeT] = set() for node in self.beacon.walk(): if node in seen: self.log.warning( 'Recursive loop in beacon: %r: %r', node, seen) if root and is not self: cast(Service, break seen.add(node) for child in [] + node.children: if isinstance(child, Service): child._crash(reason) self._crash(reason) def _crash(self, reason: BaseException) -> None: self._crashed.set() self._crash_reason = reason for node in self._children: node._crash(reason) async def stop(self) -> None: """Stop the service.""" if not self._stopped.is_set(): self._log_mundane('Stopping...') self._stopped.set() await self.on_stop() await self._stop_children() self.log.debug('Shutting down...') if self.wait_for_shutdown: self.log.debug('Waiting for shutdown') await asyncio.wait_for( self._shutdown.wait(), self.shutdown_timeout, ) self.log.debug('Shutting down now') await self._stop_futures() await self._stop_exit_stacks() await self.on_shutdown() self.log.debug('-Stopped!') async def _stop_children(self) -> None: await self._default_stop_children() async def _default_stop_children(self) -> None: for child in reversed(self._children): if child is not None: try: await asyncio.shield(child.stop()) except Exception as exc: self.log.exception( 'Error while stopping child %r: %r', child, exc) async def _stop_futures(self) -> None: await self._default_stop_futures() async def _stop_exit_stacks(self) -> None: await self._default_stop_exit_stacks() async def _default_stop_exit_stacks(self) -> None: self.exit_stack.__exit__(None, None, None) await self.async_exit_stack.__aexit__(None, None, None) async def _default_stop_futures(self) -> None: await self._wait_for_futures(timeout=0) for future in self._futures: future.cancel() await self._gather_futures() async def _gather_futures(self, *, timeout: float = None) -> None: while self._futures: # Gather all futures added via .add_future try: await self._wait_for_futures(timeout=timeout) except asyncio.CancelledError: continue else: break self._futures.clear() async def _wait_for_futures(self, *, timeout: float = None) -> None: if self._futures: try: await asyncio.shield(asyncio.wait( self._futures, return_when=asyncio.ALL_COMPLETED, loop=self.loop, timeout=timeout, )) except ValueError: if self._futures: raise # race condition: # _futures non-empty when loop starts, # but empty when asyncio.wait receives it. except asyncio.CancelledError: pass async def restart(self) -> None: """Restart this service.""" await self.stop() self.service_reset() await self.on_restart() await self.start()
[docs] def service_reset(self) -> None: self.restart_count += 1 for ev in (self._started, self._stopped, self._shutdown, self._crashed): ev.clear() self._crash_reason = None for child in self._children: if child is not None: child.service_reset()
async def wait_until_stopped(self) -> None: """Wait until the service is signalled to stop.""" await self.wait()
[docs] def set_shutdown(self) -> None: """Set the shutdown signal. Notes: If :attr:`wait_for_shutdown` is set, stopping the service will wait for this flag to be set. """ self._shutdown.set()
@property def started(self) -> bool: """Return :const:`True` if the service was started.""" return bool(self._started.is_set()) @property def crashed(self) -> bool: return bool(self._crashed.is_set()) @property def should_stop(self) -> bool: """Return :const:`True` if the service must stop.""" return bool(self._stopped.is_set() or self._crashed.is_set()) @property def state(self) -> str: """Service state - as a human readable string.""" if self._crashed.is_set(): return 'crashed' elif not self._started.is_set(): return 'init' elif not self._stopped.is_set(): return 'running' elif not self._shutdown.is_set(): return 'stopping' else: return 'shutdown' @property def label(self) -> str: """Label used for graphs.""" return self._repr_name() @property def shortlabel(self) -> str: """Label used for logging.""" return self.label @property def beacon(self) -> NodeT: """Beacon used to track services in a dependency graph.""" return self._beacon @beacon.setter def beacon(self, beacon: NodeT) -> None: self._beacon = beacon
task = Service.task timer = Service.timer class _AwaitableService(Service): mundane_level = 'debug' _fut: Optional[asyncio.Future] def __init__(self, coro: Awaitable, *, name: str = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None: self.coro = coro self._fut = None = name super().__init__(**kwargs) async def on_start(self) -> None: # convert to future, so we can cancel on_stop self._fut = asyncio.ensure_future(self.coro, loop=self.loop) await self._fut async def on_stop(self) -> None: fut, self._fut = self._fut, None if fut is not None: if not fut.done(): fut.cancel() else: fut.result() def _repr_name(self) -> str: return or str(self.coro)