Source code for mode.locals

"""Implements thread-local stack using :class:`ContextVar` (:pep:`567`).

This is a reimplementation of the local stack as used by Flask, Werkzeug,
Celery, and other libraries to keep a thread-local stack of objects.

- Supports typing:

    .. sourcecode:: python

        request_stack: LocalStack[Request] = LocalStack()
from contextlib import contextmanager
from contextvars import ContextVar
from typing import Generator, Generic, List, Optional, Sequence, TypeVar

# LocalStack is a generic type,
# so for a stack keeping track of web requests you may define:
#   requests: LocalStack[Request]
# If the stack is a ``List[T]``, then the type variable T denotes the
# type this stack contains.
T = TypeVar('T')

[docs]class LocalStack(Generic[T]): """LocalStack. Manage state per coroutine (also thread safe). Most famously used probably in Flask to keep track of the current request object. """ _stack: ContextVar[Optional[List[T]]] def __init__(self) -> None: self._stack = ContextVar('_stack') # XXX mypy bug; when fixed type Generator, should be ContextManager.
[docs] @contextmanager def push(self, obj: T) -> Generator[None, None, None]: """Push a new item to the stack.""" self.push_without_automatic_cleanup(obj) try: yield finally: self.pop()
[docs] def push_without_automatic_cleanup(self, obj: T) -> None: stack = self._stack.get(None) if stack is None: stack = [] self._stack.set(stack) stack.append(obj)
[docs] def pop(self) -> Optional[T]: """Remove the topmost item from the stack. Note: Will return the old value or `None` if the stack was already empty. """ stack = self._stack.get(None) if stack is None: return None else: size = len(stack) if not size: self._stack.set(None) return None elif size == 1: item = stack[-1] self._stack.set(None) else: item = stack.pop() return item
def __len__(self) -> int: stack = self._stack.get(None) return len(stack) if stack else 0 @property def stack(self) -> Sequence[T]: # read-only version, do not modify return self._stack.get(None) or [] @property def top(self) -> Optional[T]: """Return the topmost item on the stack. Does not remove it from the stack. Note: If the stack is empty, :const:`None` is returned. """ stack = self._stack.get(None) return stack[-1] if stack else None