
Text and string manipulation utilities.

class mode.utils.text.FuzzyMatch

Fuzzy match resut.

property ratio

Alias for field number 0

property value

Alias for field number 1

mode.utils.text.title(s: str) → str

Capitalize sentence.

"foo bar" -> "Foo Bar"

"foo-bar" -> "Foo Bar"

mode.utils.text.didyoumean(haystack: Iterable[str], needle: str, *, fmt_many: str = 'Did you mean one of {alt}?', fmt_one: str = 'Did you mean {alt}?', fmt_none: str = '', min_ratio: float = 0.6) → str

Generate message with helpful list of alternatives.


>>> raise Exception(f'Unknown mode: {mode}! {didyoumean(modes, mode)}')
>>> didyoumean(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], 'boo')
'Did you mean foo?'
>>> didyoumean(['foo', 'moo', 'bar'], 'boo')
'Did you mean one of foo, moo?'
>>> didyoumean(['foo', 'moo', 'bar'], 'xxx')
  • haystack – List of all available choices.

  • needle – What the user provided.

  • fmt_many – String format returned when there are more than one alternative. Default is: "Did you mean one of {alt}?".

  • fmt_one – String format returned when there’s a single fuzzy match. Default is: "Did you mean {alt}?".

  • fmt_none – String format returned when there are no fuzzy matches. Default is: "" (empty string, error message is usually printed before the alternatives so user has context).

  • min_ratio – Minimum fuzzy ratio before word is considered a match. Default is 0.6.

mode.utils.text.enumeration(l: Iterable[str], *, start: int = 1, sep: str = '\n', template: str = '{index}) {item}') → str

Enumerate list of strings.


>>> enumeration(['x', 'y', '...'])
"1) x\n2) y\n3) ..."
mode.utils.text.fuzzymatch_choices(haystack: Iterable[str], needle: str, *, fmt_many: str = 'one of {alt}', fmt_one: str = '{alt}', fmt_none: str = '', min_ratio: float = 0.6) → str

Fuzzy match reducing to error message suggesting an alternative.

mode.utils.text.fuzzymatch_iter(haystack: Iterable[str], needle: str, *, min_ratio: float = 0.6) → Iterator[mode.utils.text.FuzzyMatch]

Fuzzy Match: Including actual ratio.


FuzzyMatch – tuples of (ratio, value).

mode.utils.text.fuzzymatch_best(haystack: Iterable[str], needle: str, *, min_ratio: float = 0.6) → Optional[str]

Fuzzy Match - Return best match only (single scalar value).

mode.utils.text.abbr(s: str, max: int, suffix: str = '...', words: bool = False) → str

Abbreviate word.

mode.utils.text.abbr_fqdn(origin: str, name: str, *, prefix: str = '') → str

Abbreviate fully-qualified Python name, by removing origin.

app.origin is the package where the app is defined, so if this is examples.simple:

>>> app.origin
>>> abbr_fqdn(app.origin, 'examples.simple.Withdrawal', prefix='[...]')

>>> abbr_fqdn(app.origin, 'examples.other.Foo', prefix='[...]')

shorten_fqdn() is similar, but will always shorten a too long name, abbr_fqdn will only remove the origin portion of the name.

mode.utils.text.shorten_fqdn(s: str, max: int = 32) → str

Shorten fully-qualified Python name (like “os.path.isdir”).

mode.utils.text.pluralize(n: int, text: str, suffix: str = 's') → str

Pluralize term when n is greater than one.

mode.utils.text.maybecat(s: Optional[AnyStr], suffix: str = '', *, prefix: str = '') → Optional[str]

Concatenate string only if existing string s’ is defined.

Keyword Arguments
  • suffix – add suffix if string s’ is defined.

  • prefix – add prefix is string s’ is defined.