
AsyncIO Service-based programming.

class mode.Service(*, beacon: mode.utils.types.trees.NodeT = None, loop: = None)

An asyncio service that can be started/stopped/restarted.

Keyword Arguments
abstract: ClassVar[bool] = False
class Diag(service:

Service diagnostics.

This can be used to track what your service is doing. For example if your service is a Kafka consumer with a background thread that commits the offset every 30 seconds, you may want to see when this happens:

DIAG_COMMITTING = 'committing'

class Consumer(Service):

    async def _background_commit(self) -> None:
        while not self.should_stop:
            await self.sleep(30.0)
                await self._consumer.commit()

The above code is setting the flag manually, but you can also use a decorator to accomplish the same thing:

async def _background_commit(self) -> None:
    await self.commit()

async def commit(self) -> None:
    await self._consumer.commit()
flags = None
last_transition = None
set_flag(flag: str) → None
unset_flag(flag: str) → None
wait_for_shutdown = False

Set to True if .stop must wait for the shutdown flag to be set.

shutdown_timeout = 60.0

Time to wait for shutdown flag set before we give up.

restart_count = 0

Current number of times this service instance has been restarted.

mundane_level = 'info'

The log level for mundane info such as starting, stopping, etc. Set this to "debug" for less information.

classmethod from_awaitable(coro: Awaitable, *, name: str = None, **kwargs: Any) →
classmethod task(fun: Callable[Any, Awaitable[None]]) →

Decorate function to be used as background task.


>>> class S(Service):
...     @Service.task
...     async def background_task(self):
...         while not self.should_stop:
...             await self.sleep(1.0)
...             print('Waking up')
classmethod timer(interval: Union[datetime.timedelta, float, str]) → Callable[Callable,]

Background timer executing every n seconds.


>>> class S(Service):
...     @Service.timer(1.0)
...     async def background_timer(self):
...         print('Waking up')
classmethod transitions_to(flag: str) → Callable

Decorate function to set and reset diagnostic flag.

async transition_with(flag: str, fut: Awaitable, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Any
add_dependency(service: →

Add dependency to other service.

The service will be started/stopped with this service.

async add_runtime_dependency(service: →
async remove_dependency(service: →

Stop and remove dependency of this service.

async add_async_context(context: AsyncContextManager) → Any
add_context(context: ContextManager) → Any
add_future(coro: Awaitable) → _asyncio.Future

Add relationship to asyncio.Future.

The future will be joined when this service is stopped.

on_init() → None
on_init_dependencies() → Iterable[]

Return list of service dependencies for this service.

async join_services(services: Sequence[]) → None
async sleep(n: Union[datetime.timedelta, float, str], *, loop: = None) → None

Sleep for n seconds, or until service stopped.

async wait_for_stopped(*coros: Union[Generator[[Any, None], Any], Awaitable, asyncio.locks.Event, mode.utils.locks.Event], timeout: Union[datetime.timedelta, float, str] = None) → bool
async wait(*coros: Union[Generator[[Any, None], Any], Awaitable, asyncio.locks.Event, mode.utils.locks.Event], timeout: Union[datetime.timedelta, float, str] = None) →

Wait for coroutines to complete, or until the service stops.

async wait_many(coros: Iterable[Union[Generator[[Any, None], Any], Awaitable, asyncio.locks.Event, mode.utils.locks.Event]], *, timeout: Union[datetime.timedelta, float, str] = None) →
async wait_first(*coros: Union[Generator[[Any, None], Any], Awaitable, asyncio.locks.Event, mode.utils.locks.Event], timeout: Union[datetime.timedelta, float, str] = None) →
async start() → None
async maybe_start() → bool

Start the service, if it has not already been started.

async crash(reason: BaseException) → None

Crash the service and all child services.

async stop() → None

Stop the service.

async restart() → None

Restart this service.

service_reset() → None
async wait_until_stopped() → None

Wait until the service is signalled to stop.

set_shutdown() → None

Set the shutdown signal.


If wait_for_shutdown is set, stopping the service will wait for this flag to be set.

itertimer(interval: Union[datetime.timedelta, float, str], *, max_drift_correction: float = 0.1, loop: = None, sleep: Callable[..., Awaitable] = None, clock: Callable[float] = <built-in function perf_counter>, name: str = '') → AsyncIterator[float]

Sleep interval seconds for every iteration.

This is an async iterator that takes advantage of Timer() to monitor drift and timer oerlap.

Uses Service.sleep so exits fast when the service is stopped.


Will sleep the full interval seconds before returning from first iteration.


>>> async for sleep_time in self.itertimer(1.0):
...   print('another second passed, just woke up...')
...   await perform_some_http_request()
property started

Return True if the service was started.

property crashed
property should_stop

Return True if the service must stop.

property state

Service state - as a human readable string.

property label

Label used for graphs.

property shortlabel

Label used for logging.

property beacon

Beacon used to track services in a dependency graph.

logger = <Logger (WARNING)>
property crash_reason
mode.task(fun: Callable[Any, Awaitable[None]]) →

Decorate function to be used as background task.


>>> class S(Service):
...     @Service.task
...     async def background_task(self):
...         while not self.should_stop:
...             await self.sleep(1.0)
...             print('Waking up')
mode.timer(interval: Union[datetime.timedelta, float, str]) → Callable[Callable,]

Background timer executing every n seconds.


>>> class S(Service):
...     @Service.timer(1.0)
...     async def background_timer(self):
...         print('Waking up')
class mode.BaseSignal(*, name: str = None, owner: Type = None, loop: = None, default_sender: Any = None, receivers: MutableSet[Any] = None, filter_receivers: MutableMapping[Any, MutableSet[Any]] = None)

Base class for signal/observer pattern.

asdict() → Mapping[str, Any]
clone(**kwargs: Any) → mode.types.signals.BaseSignalT
with_default_sender(sender: Any = None) → mode.types.signals.BaseSignalT
unpack_sender_from_args(*args: Any) → Tuple[T, Tuple[Any, ...]]
connect(fun: Union[Callable[[T, Any, BaseSignalT, Any], None], Callable[[T, Any, BaseSignalT, Any], Awaitable[None]]] = None, **kwargs: Any) → Callable
disconnect(fun: Union[Callable[[T, Any, BaseSignalT, Any], None], Callable[[T, Any, BaseSignalT, Any], Awaitable[None]]], *, weak: bool = False, sender: Any = None) → None
iter_receivers(sender: T_contra) → Iterable[Union[Callable[[T, Any, mode.types.signals.BaseSignalT, Any], None], Callable[[T, Any, mode.types.signals.BaseSignalT, Any], Awaitable[None]]]]
property ident
property label
class mode.Signal(*, name: str = None, owner: Type = None, loop: = None, default_sender: Any = None, receivers: MutableSet[Any] = None, filter_receivers: MutableMapping[Any, MutableSet[Any]] = None)

Asynchronous signal (using async def functions).

async send(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None
clone(**kwargs: Any) → mode.types.signals.SignalT
with_default_sender(sender: Any = None) → mode.types.signals.SignalT
class mode.SyncSignal(*, name: str = None, owner: Type = None, loop: = None, default_sender: Any = None, receivers: MutableSet[Any] = None, filter_receivers: MutableMapping[Any, MutableSet[Any]] = None)

Signal that is synchronous (using regular def functions).

send(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None
clone(**kwargs: Any) → mode.types.signals.SyncSignalT
with_default_sender(sender: Any = None) → mode.types.signals.SyncSignalT
class mode.ForfeitOneForAllSupervisor(*services:, max_restarts: Union[datetime.timedelta, float, str] = 100.0, over: Union[datetime.timedelta, float, str] = 1.0, raises: Type[BaseException] = <class 'mode.exceptions.MaxRestartsExceeded'>, replacement: Callable[[, int], Awaitable[]] = None, **kwargs: Any)

If one service in the group crashes, we give up on all of them.

logger = <Logger mode.supervisors (WARNING)>
async restart_services(services: List[]) → None
class mode.ForfeitOneForOneSupervisor(*services:, max_restarts: Union[datetime.timedelta, float, str] = 100.0, over: Union[datetime.timedelta, float, str] = 1.0, raises: Type[BaseException] = <class 'mode.exceptions.MaxRestartsExceeded'>, replacement: Callable[[, int], Awaitable[]] = None, **kwargs: Any)

Supervisor that if a service crashes, we do not restart it.

async restart_services(services: List[]) → None
logger = <Logger mode.supervisors (WARNING)>
class mode.OneForAllSupervisor(*services:, max_restarts: Union[datetime.timedelta, float, str] = 100.0, over: Union[datetime.timedelta, float, str] = 1.0, raises: Type[BaseException] = <class 'mode.exceptions.MaxRestartsExceeded'>, replacement: Callable[[, int], Awaitable[]] = None, **kwargs: Any)

Supervisor that restarts all services when a service crashes.

async restart_services(services: List[]) → None
logger = <Logger mode.supervisors (WARNING)>
class mode.OneForOneSupervisor(*services:, max_restarts: Union[datetime.timedelta, float, str] = 100.0, over: Union[datetime.timedelta, float, str] = 1.0, raises: Type[BaseException] = <class 'mode.exceptions.MaxRestartsExceeded'>, replacement: Callable[[, int], Awaitable[]] = None, **kwargs: Any)

Supervisor simply restarts any crashed service.

logger = <Logger mode.supervisors (WARNING)>
class mode.SupervisorStrategy(*services:, max_restarts: Union[datetime.timedelta, float, str] = 100.0, over: Union[datetime.timedelta, float, str] = 1.0, raises: Type[BaseException] = <class 'mode.exceptions.MaxRestartsExceeded'>, replacement: Callable[[, int], Awaitable[]] = None, **kwargs: Any)

Base class for all supervisor strategies.

wakeup() → None
add(*services: → None
discard(*services: → None
insert(index: int, service: → None
service_operational(service: → bool
async run_until_complete() → None
async on_start() → None

Service is starting.

async on_stop() → None

Service is being stopped/restarted.

async start_services(services: List[]) → None
async start_service(service: → None
async restart_services(services: List[]) → None
async stop_services(services: List[]) → None
async restart_service(service: → None
property label

Label used for graphs.

logger = <Logger mode.supervisors (WARNING)>
class mode.CrashingSupervisor(*services:, max_restarts: Union[datetime.timedelta, float, str] = 100.0, over: Union[datetime.timedelta, float, str] = 1.0, raises: Type[BaseException] = <class 'mode.exceptions.MaxRestartsExceeded'>, replacement: Callable[[, int], Awaitable[]] = None, **kwargs: Any)

Supervisor that crashes the whole program.

logger = <Logger mode.supervisors (WARNING)>
wakeup() → None
class mode.ServiceT(*, beacon: mode.utils.types.trees.NodeT = None, loop: = None)

Abstract type for an asynchronous service that can be started/stopped.

See also


Diag: Type[DiagT] = None
diag: DiagT = None
async_exit_stack: AsyncExitStack = None
exit_stack: ExitStack = None
shutdown_timeout: float = None
wait_for_shutdown = False
restart_count: int = 0
supervisor: Optional[mode.types.supervisors.SupervisorStrategyT] = None
abstract add_dependency(service: →
abstract async add_runtime_dependency(service: →
abstract async add_async_context(context: AsyncContextManager) → Any
abstract add_context(context: ContextManager) → Any
abstract async start() → None
abstract async maybe_start() → bool
abstract async crash(reason: BaseException) → None
abstract async stop() → None
abstract service_reset() → None
abstract async restart() → None
abstract async wait_until_stopped() → None
abstract set_shutdown() → None
abstract property started
abstract property crashed
abstract property should_stop
abstract property state
abstract property label
abstract property shortlabel
property beacon
abstract property loop
abstract property crash_reason
class mode.BaseSignalT(*, name: str = None, owner: Type = None, loop: = None, default_sender: Any = None, receivers: MutableSet[Any] = None, filter_receivers: MutableMapping[Any, MutableSet[Any]] = None)

Base type for all signals.

name: str = None
owner: Optional[Type] = None
abstract clone(**kwargs: Any) → mode.types.signals.BaseSignalT
abstract with_default_sender(sender: Any = None) → mode.types.signals.BaseSignalT
abstract connect(fun: Union[Callable[[T, Any, BaseSignalT, Any], None], Callable[[T, Any, BaseSignalT, Any], Awaitable[None]]], **kwargs: Any) → Callable
abstract disconnect(fun: Union[Callable[[T, Any, BaseSignalT, Any], None], Callable[[T, Any, BaseSignalT, Any], Awaitable[None]]], *, sender: Any = None, weak: bool = True) → None
class mode.SignalT(*, name: str = None, owner: Type = None, loop: = None, default_sender: Any = None, receivers: MutableSet[Any] = None, filter_receivers: MutableMapping[Any, MutableSet[Any]] = None)

Base class for all async signals (using async def).

abstract async send(sender: T_contra, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None
abstract clone(**kwargs: Any) → SignalT
abstract with_default_sender(sender: Any = None) → SignalT
name = None
owner = None
class mode.SyncSignalT(*, name: str = None, owner: Type = None, loop: = None, default_sender: Any = None, receivers: MutableSet[Any] = None, filter_receivers: MutableMapping[Any, MutableSet[Any]] = None)

Base class for all synchronous signals (using regular def).

abstract send(sender: T_contra, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None
abstract clone(**kwargs: Any) → SyncSignalT
name = None
owner = None
abstract with_default_sender(sender: Any = None) → SyncSignalT
class mode.SupervisorStrategyT(*services: mode.types.supervisors.ServiceT, max_restarts: Union[datetime.timedelta, float, str] = 100.0, over: Union[datetime.timedelta, float, str] = 1.0, raises: Type[BaseException] = None, replacement: Callable[[mode.types.supervisors.ServiceT, int], Awaitable[mode.types.supervisors.ServiceT]] = None, **kwargs: Any)

Base type for all supervisor strategies.

max_restarts: float = None
over: float = None
raises: Type[BaseException] = None
abstract wakeup() → None
abstract add(*services: mode.types.supervisors.ServiceT) → None
abstract discard(*services: mode.types.supervisors.ServiceT) → None
abstract service_operational(service: mode.types.supervisors.ServiceT) → bool
abstract async restart_service(service: mode.types.supervisors.ServiceT) → None
mode.want_seconds(s: float) → float

Convert Seconds to float.

class mode.flight_recorder(logger: Any, *, timeout: Union[datetime.timedelta, float, str], loop: = None)

Flight Recorder context for use with with statement.

This is a logging utility to log stuff only when something times out.

For example if you have a background thread that is sometimes hanging:

class RedisCache(mode.Service):

    def _background_refresh(self) -> None:
        self._users = await self.redis_client.get(USER_KEY)
        self._posts = await self.redis_client.get(POSTS_KEY)

You want to figure out on what line this is hanging, but logging all the time will provide way too much output, and will even change how fast the program runs and that can mask race conditions, so that they never happen.

Use the flight recorder to save the logs and only log when it times out:

logger = mode.get_logger(__name__)

class RedisCache(mode.Service):

    def _background_refresh(self) -> None:
        with mode.flight_recorder(logger, timeout=10.0) as on_timeout:
            await self.redis_client.get(USER_KEY)

            await self.redis_client.get(POSTS_KEY)

If the body of this with statement completes before the timeout, the logs are forgotten about and never emitted – if it takes more than ten seconds to complete, we will see these messages in the log:

[2018-04-19 09:43:55,877: WARNING]: Warning: Task timed out!
[2018-04-19 09:43:55,878: WARNING]:
    Please make sure it is hanging before restarting.
[2018-04-19 09:43:55,878: INFO]: [Flight Recorder-1]
    (started at Thu Apr 19 09:43:45 2018) Replaying logs...
[2018-04-19 09:43:55,878: INFO]: [Flight Recorder-1]
    (Thu Apr 19 09:43:45 2018) +redis_client.get('user')
[2018-04-19 09:43:55,878: INFO]: [Flight Recorder-1]
    (Thu Apr 19 09:43:49 2018) -redis_client.get('user')
[2018-04-19 09:43:55,878: INFO]: [Flight Recorder-1]
    (Thu Apr 19 09:43:46 2018) +redis_client.get('posts')
[2018-04-19 09:43:55,878: INFO]: [Flight Recorder-1] -End of log-

Now we know this redis_client.get call can take too long to complete, and should consider adding a timeout to it.

logger: Any = None
timeout: float = None
loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop = None
started_at_date: Optional[str] = None
enabled_by: Optional[asyncio.Task] = None
extra_context: Dict[str, Any] = None
wrap_debug(obj: Any) → mode.utils.logging.Logwrapped
wrap_info(obj: Any) → mode.utils.logging.Logwrapped
wrap_warn(obj: Any) → mode.utils.logging.Logwrapped
wrap_error(obj: Any) → mode.utils.logging.Logwrapped
wrap(severity: int, obj: Any) → mode.utils.logging.Logwrapped
activate() → None
cancel() → None
log(severity: int, message: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None
blush() → None
flush_logs(ident: str = None) → None
mode.get_logger(name: str) → logging.Logger

Get logger by name.

mode.setup_logging(*, loglevel: Union[str, int] = None, logfile: Union[str, IO] = None, loghandlers: List[logging.Handler] = None, logging_config: Dict = None) → int

Configure logging subsystem.

mode.label(s: Any) → str

Return the name of an object as string.

mode.shortlabel(s: Any) → str

Return the shortened name of an object as string.

class mode.Worker(*services:, debug: bool = False, quiet: bool = False, logging_config: Dict = None, loglevel: Union[str, int] = None, logfile: Union[str, IO] = None, redirect_stdouts: bool = True, redirect_stdouts_level: Union[int, str] = None, stdout: Optional[IO] = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>, stderr: Optional[IO] = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stderr>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>, console_port: int = 50101, loghandlers: List[logging.Handler] = None, blocking_timeout: Union[datetime.timedelta, float, str] = 10.0, loop: = None, override_logging: bool = True, daemon: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)

Start mode service from the command-line.

BLOCK_DETECTOR: ClassVar[str] = 'mode.debug:BlockingDetector'
services: Iterable[ServiceT] = None
debug: bool = None
quiet: bool = None
logging_config: Optional[Dict] = None
loglevel: Optional[Union[str, int]] = None
logfile: Optional[Union[str, IO]] = None
loghandlers: List[Handler] = None
redirect_stdouts: bool = None
redirect_stdouts_level: int = None
stdout: IO = None
stderr: IO = None
console_port: int = None
blocking_timeout: Seconds = None
say(msg: str) → None

Write message to standard out.

carp(msg: str) → None

Write warning to standard err.

on_init_dependencies() → Iterable[]

Return list of service dependencies for this service.

async on_first_start() → None

Service started for the first time in this process.

async default_on_first_start() → None
async on_execute() → None
on_setup_root_logger(logger: logging.Logger, level: int) → None
async maybe_start_blockdetection() → None
install_signal_handlers() → None
logger = <Logger mode.worker (WARNING)>
execute_from_commandline() → NoReturn
on_worker_shutdown() → None
stop_and_shutdown() → None
async on_started() → None

Service has started.

property blocking_detector