.. _guide-services: ================== Services ================== .. module:: mode :noindex: .. currentmodule:: mode .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 Basics ====== The Service class manages the services and background tasks started by the async program, so that we can implement graceful shutdown and also helps us visualize the relationships between services in a dependency graph. Anything that can be started/stopped and restarted should probably be a subclass of the :class:`Service` class. The Service API =============== A service can be started, and it may start other services and background tasks. Most actions in a service are asynchronous, so needs to be executed from within an async function. This first section defines the public service API, as if used by the user, the next section will define the methods service authors write to define new services. Methods ------- .. class:: Service :noindex: .. autocomethod:: start :noindex: .. autocomethod:: maybe_start :noindex: .. autocomethod:: stop :noindex: .. autocomethod:: restart :noindex: .. autocomethod:: wait_until_stopped :noindex: .. automethod:: set_shutdown :noindex: Attributes ---------- .. class:: Service :noindex: .. autoattribute:: started :noindex: .. autoattribute:: label :noindex: .. autoattribute:: shortlabel :noindex: .. autoattribute:: beacon :noindex: Defining new services ===================== Adding child services --------------------- Child services can be added in three ways, 1) Using ``add_dependency()`` in ``__post_init__``: .. sourcecode:: python class MyService(Service): def __post_init__(self) -> None: self.add_dependency(OtherService()) 2) Using ``add_dependency()`` in ``on_start``: .. sourcecode:: python class MyService(Service): async def on_start(self) -> None: self.add_dependency(OtherService()) 3) Using ``on_init_dependencies()`` This is is a method that if customized should return an iterable of service instances: .. sourcecode:: python from typing import Iterable from mode import Service, ServiceT class MyService(Service): def on_init_dependencies(self) -> Iterable[ServiceT]: return [ServiceA(), ServiceB()] Ordering -------- Knowing exactly what is called, when it's called and in what order is important, and this table will help you understand that: Order at start (``await Service.start()``) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. The ``on_first_start`` callback is called. 2. Service logs: ``"[Service] Starting..."``. 3. ``on_start`` callback is called. 4. All ``@Service.task`` background tasks are started (in definition order). 5. All child services added by ``add_dependency()``, or ``on_init_dependencies())`` are started. 6. Service logs: ``"[Service] Started"``. 7. The ``on_started`` callback is called. Order when stopping (``await Service.stop()``) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Service logs; ``"[Service] Stopping..."``. 2. The ``on_stop()`` callback is called. 3. All child services are stopped, in reverse order. 4. All asyncio futures added by ``add_future()`` are cancelled in reverse order. 5. Service logs: ``"[Service] Stopped"``. 6. If ``Service.wait_for_shutdown = True``, it will wait for the ``Service.set_shutdown()`` signal to be called. 7. All futures started by ``add_future()`` will be gathered (awaited). 8. The ``on_shutdown()`` callback is called. 9. The service logs: ``"[Service] Shutdown complete!"``. Order when restarting (``await Service.restart()``) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. The service is stopped (``await service.stop()``). 2. The ``__post_init__()`` callback is called again. 3. The service is started (``await service.start()``). Callbacks --------- .. class:: Service :noindex: .. autocomethod:: on_start :noindex: .. autocomethod:: on_first_start :noindex: .. autocomethod:: on_started :noindex: .. autocomethod:: on_stop :noindex: .. autocomethod:: on_shutdown :noindex: .. autocomethod:: on_restart :noindex: Handling Errors --------------- .. class:: Service :noindex: .. autocomethod:: crash :noindex: Utilities --------- .. class:: Service :noindex: .. autocomethod:: sleep :noindex: .. autocomethod:: wait :noindex: Logging ------- Your service may add logging to notify the user what is going on, and the Service class includes some shortcuts to include the service name etc. in logs. The ``self.log`` delegate contains shortcuts for logging: .. sourcecode:: python # examples/logging.py from mode import Service class MyService(Service): async def on_start(self) -> None: self.log.debug('This is a debug message') self.log.info('This is a info message') self.log.warn('This is a warning message') self.log.error('This is a error message') self.log.exception('This is a error message with traceback') self.log.critical('This is a critical message') self.log.debug('I can also include templates: %r %d %s', [1, 2, 3], 303, 'string') The logs will be emitted by a logger with the same name as the module the Service class is defined in. It's similar to this setup, that you can do if you want to manually define the logger used by the service: .. sourcecode:: python # examples/manual_service_logger.py from mode import Service, get_logger logger = get_logger(__name__) class MyService(Service): logger = logger